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Hanni Stans celebrates Hanni’s Birthday!

 A Studio Ghibli-themed event just for Hanni’s birthday!

Hanni’s Delivery Service Wrap Up Photo // Hanni Philippines

Manila, Philippines As Hanni Pham celebrates their 19th birthday, the local Philippine Hanni-centered fan club, Hanni Philippines, organized a sweet Studio Ghibli-themed event to honor said event last October 8, 2023!

Of course, to celebrate one’s milestones is not just to congratulate the achiever but for everyone to have an amazing time and that is what NewJeans Philippines made sure of.

“We do these kinds of events to show Hanni how much we love her even if she’s not here— she’s working really hard!” said Arman, one of the organizers. This was also supported by Kenneth, one of the organizers, having this to say “Since we love her, we show our appreciation towards her through these events.”
The event took place in a recently opened O Mango Six Coffee and Dessert cafe located on Aseana Avenue, beside Ayala Mall Manila Bay. Hanni Philippines chose this place as “this is a nice place and you can customize the whole place to fit your events” said Arman.

Hanni Pham Display // Hanni Philippines

Hanni Philippines prepared a lot for this event. From games to giveaways, to even inviting Aximus— A dance cover group— to perform in the event! Of course, we could not miss the opportunity to talk to them.

They said they were invited to perform by Hanni Philippines’ Head Admin, Ysa, so they did just that, considering they are a dance cover group. As a message to their fans and supporters, this is what they said, “To our fans who always support us, thank you and please keep on supporting us!”

Unfortunately, we were not able to interview as many attendees but Shaira and Shaina Duran mentioned that they have been looking forward to this event because not only were they able to celebrate Hanni’s birthday, but they were also happy to see a lot of concessionaires and their friends whom they met online who are also fans of Hanni and NewJeans.

Tricia Restauro, the store manager of O Mango Six Coffee & Desserts, was happy to be able to accommodate Hanni Philippines for their event and mentioned that if there are any organizers wanting to host their events in their store, just contact them through their Facebook page.

Attendees // Hanni Philippines

The event was very intimate but everyone who attended had an awesome time. Regrettably, we were only able to attend the second day of the 2-day event, but it’s fine because we had an amazing time regardless. 

Stay updated with Hanni Philippines events by following their social media which may be accessed through the following links:

See our video coverage of the event:

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