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The real-time tactics game “War Mongrels” is now on sale on Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions & Pre-orders for the PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5 package ver. is now available!

(Image: War Mongrels)

DMM GAMES, operated by EXNOA LLC (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Yusuke Muranaka, URL:, is proud to announce that the real-time tactics game “War Mongrels”, set on the European battlefields of World War II, has been released on April 25, 2023 for the Xbox One and Xbox Series X (downloadable version) from [Destructive Creations].
“War Mongrels” is a real-time tactics game developed by the Polish game company Destructive Creations. Following the PC versions (Steam, Epic Game Store, and DMM GAME PLAYER), the Xbox One and Xbox Series X versions (DL version) are available today from [Destructive Creations].
▼About the Product
Also, pre-orders for the downloadable and packaged versions for PlayStation®4 and PlayStation®5, scheduled for release on July 13, 2023, began today, so please enjoy this title according to the console you have.
*For details, please check the official website below.
▼About the Product
▼What is “War Mongrels”?
War Mongrels is a real-time tactics game that focuses on the little-known resistance that fought 
against the Nazis in World War II.
(Image: War Mongrels Screenshot)
World War II produced many stories of courage and comradeship, but it also took the lives of many, changed the lives of those who survived, and created a distorted society and much of the dark side of humanity as well. This game focuses on these two sides of the war.
(Image: War Mongrels Screenshot)
The heroes of this game are initially motivated by twisted propaganda. But eventually, they choose to take a stand against the Nazi military forces that brought them into the international conflict. Boys and adults of the time wake up to the horrors of war and rise up to stop the senseless slaughter.
▼Heroes with Different Interpretations
(Image: War Mongrels Screenshot)

In this game, two German Wehrmacht soldiers experience their journey from deserters to guerrilla troopers, following a story inspired by historical events. During their journey, the two men also meet companions who sympathize with them. Just as the heroes in any story try to save others in order to survive, the heroes in this film stop running away from the war and stand up to help the innocents.
(Image: War Mongrels Screenshot)
Because each character has different strengths and skills, players will need to effectively combine strengths and skills to outwit the enemy in missions in a variety of environments. Skills in sneaking up on the enemy, misleading them, killing them without making a sound, and taking advantage of the environment are required, but the use of firearms may also help in the accomplishment of the mission.
This game is divided into a story part with 2D animation and a mission part in which the player controls the character from a bird’s eye view.
The animated part of the story is narrated with sound, and the scenario unfolds as the main characters struggle to live through the chaos of war and to save as many people as possible.
▼Product Information
Title: War Mongrels
Release Date: PC (Steam version, Epic Game Store version) October 19, 2021
 PC (DMM GAME PLAYER version) April 8, 2022
 Xbox One, Xbox Series X version (DL version) April 25, 2023
PlayStation®4, PlayStation®5 (package/DL version) July 13, 2023
Genre: Real-Time Tactics Platform: PC, Xbox One, Xbox series X, PlayStation®4,PlayStation®5
Distributor: EXNOA LLC (PS4™ver. PS5™ ver. PC(DMM GAME PLAYER ver.))
Destructive Creations (Steam ver. Epic Game Store ver. Xbox One ver. Xbox Series X ver.)
Rating: Z (For ages 18 and up)
Copy Rights: Published by EXNOA LLC. © 2020 Destructive Creations. Developed by Destructive 
Creations. All rights reserved.
“War Mongrels” Official Website:
DMM GAMES PC Games Official Site:
DMM GAMES PC and Consumer Games Official Twitter:

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