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ESGS 2022 is going back to SMX Convention Center this October 28-30!

(Source: Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit – ESGS Facebook Page)


Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit or ‘ESGS’ will have its glorious return to SMX Convention Center, Pasay City this coming October 2022!

Gariath Concepts, the event organizer behind events like Pinoy Gaming Festival (PGF,) and REV Major (which is also coming back,) has been making a serious hype for ESGS’ return after two years going online due to pandemic ever since mid-2022 and last August 15, 2022; They finalized the date for their return at the SMX Convention Center this coming October 28-30, 2022!

(Source: Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit – ESGS Facebook Page)

The local community jumped for joy and got hyped for its return. Although we can’t confirm how will be the entry goes yet and what brands and tournaments to expect this year, but we’re on your side to say that we’re glad to have events like ESGS to be back on board!

Stay updated to their Official Facebook Page and they might surprise us with more upcoming surprises for ESGS 2022!

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(Source: Electronic Sports and Gaming Summit – ESGS Facebook Page Comments)

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