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EXOSIA Project is a small gaming and entertainment creative collective and community that tackles the niche and variety in the Philippine scene. We’re aiming to experiment unique content in the local gaming and entertainment industry. EXOSIA Project also give home for the fresh talents and members who aims to hone their knowledge and skills in the online content creating industry and have them ready for the next step in the industry.


EXOSIA Project started in the middle of a pandemic in 2020 with live and recorded content to the niche community. Started as a long-term project for content creators to strive on their creative skills regardless of experience while being safe in their homes. EXOSIA Project is now expanding its aid to partners on technical and media production and sharing ideas on how to expand their brand together. The main project now is sharing the passion in the gaming and entertainment industry to the fullest and keep the industry thriving inside and outside the niche industries. The project empowers PASSION within from the creators and the community no matter if it’s big or small.


EXOSIA PROJECT aims to bridge gaps and connect the local gaming and entertainment communities old and new to the local scene.


EXOSIA PROJECT aims to build and strengthen bonds of the local gaming and entertainment community by introducing new ways for the talents, events, and community; Encouraging to pursue development and advancement to the willing.


EXOSIA PROJECT is still a small and growing media and talent collective, and we appreciate all the brands we partnered from past to present ever since we started and most importantly the GOLD PARTNERS who also greatly aided support on our endeavor of continuing passion to every communities in the scene.


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©2020-2024 EXOSIA Project